Health benifits of turmeric!!!

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Do you remember you down with cold? Did your mom came up with glass of turmeric milk? You had to drink it closing my eyes. But here are few benefits:

Ayurvedic Tradition says turmeric has lots of health related benefits.
Ayurvedic medicine clasifies turmeric as a Kaphahara drug---that is, it is effective against conditions involving an imbalance of kapha (phlegm). Ayurvedic tradition recognizes turmeric as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, and antiseptic.

10 Reasons to Incorporate Turmeric into your Daily Diet
1. Turmeric is an anti-microbial. That means it will attack both bacterial infections and viral infections and destroy both. It is particularly effective in treating illnesses of the respiratory system. 
2. It has shown to prevent and stop the growth of prostate, breast, skin, lung and colon cancer 
3. Known to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes 
4.It was found to be a natural liver detoxifier. 
5. Researches shows it may prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. 
6. As a potent natural anti-inflammatory, turmeric may work just as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs. 
7. it’s a natural painkiller.  
9. Trusted for many, many years in other cultures as a treatment for depression. 
10. Skin health! It speeds up wound healing and assists in the treatment of acne, eczema, psoriasis, and uneven pigmentation. 

Now lets see how to prepare it:

Ingredients and utensils required:

  • Whisk
  • 1 mug full of milk
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
  • 2 tsp honey
  • Saucepan
  • Ground cinnamon or cinnamon stick for serving 


  •  Combine the milk, turmeric powder and honey in a saucepan over medium heat.
  • Warm the milk until it just begins to boil, whisking to stir the ingredients. Look for the surface of the milk to begin to rumble and small bubbles to rise and break at the surface.
  • Remove the saucepan from the heat and transfer the contents to a large mug.
  • Sprinkle a dash of ground cinnamon over the surface or place a cinnamon stick into the mug for serving.
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Tags: Turmeric, , Turmeric to cure cold, , Aurvedic tradition, , , illness of respiratory system, growth of prostrate, breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, 

Why Silk Clothes are preferred for doing Pooja ??

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Silk clothes have the capacity to attract and store electro magnetic energy. With the friction between the body and the silk clothes, electric energy is produced, which gives rise to electro static attraction.

This energy, according to shastras, would act on the mind of the devotee. It is also said that the vibrations, which are generated while worshipping, are also stored by wearing the silk clothes. The external clothing, which prevents the loss of these vibrations, would work on the mind to sustain the much needed concentration. It is also said that any worship, without concentration is useless. 

Hence All over India, silk clothes are preferred during Poojas, be it a Maharashtrian lady in Ganesh Puja, or a Bengali lady in Durga Pooja or a Gujarati lady in Laxmi Pooja during Diwali and so on!!!

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Tags: electro magnetic energy, electro static attraction, energy, silk, silk sarees, , electromagnetic energy in silk cloths, cloths wore during pooja ,,

Why is it said that we should not sleep in the North-South direction?

Friday, 18 October 2013

It is because the earth's magnetic field is in North-South direction and this retards the blood flow through brain capillaries and affect the functioning of brain cells.

As we all know our body is a magnet with the head representing its magnetic north and feet representing its magnetic south. When one sleeps with head in South, magnetic fields from the head go towards to south of the earth and enters from the earth's north to the feet thereby forming a magnetic loop. This happens because in Magnetic theory, Opposites attracts and Likes Repel.

While when a person sleeps with his head facing the north, magnetic field of the body and earth are not in harmony and this results in the disturbed blood circulation resulting in mental unrest and a disturbed sleep. So its advised not to sleep North-South direction. 

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Tags: proper way of sleeping, sleep, earth's magnetic field, blood flow, theory of magnetism, Science of sleeping, earth's magnetism and sleep 

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